Q1: What kind of organisation is Hus Le?
A: Hus Le is a non-profit organisation registered in Kalyan, Maharashtra, India.
Q2: Does Hus Le Foundation charge for its services ?
A: No. All Hus Le Foundation services are free of charge. Hus Le is a non-profit making organisation.
Q3: Who can join Hus Le Foundation?
A: You can volunteer in any of the Hus Le activities and support us in the cause.
Q4: Can I join Hus Le as an individual?
A: No. But we welcome volunteers as our main goal is to give back to the society and any help is appreciable.
Q5: What kind of services Hus le Foundation provides?
A: Hus Le Foundation focuses onproviding good Health & Nutrition, Education, Water & Sanitation and Sustainable Development and many other humanitarian services. We are also in the process of establishing Old-Age Home & Orphanage.
Q6: Will Hus Le Foundation work in any other country?
A: We primarily work only in India. But if you think there could be a need for Hus Le in the country where you are working please get in touch with us.
Q7: Who funds Hus Le Foundation?
A: Hus Le is funded by humanitarian donors.
Q8: Who started Hus Le Foundation and why?
A: Hus Le Foundation was started by Dr. Prashant Singh who identified mental, physical and financial vulnerabilities in the mostly tribal population while serving as a doctor in Rayate village.